Sunday, August 1, 2010


To stay awake during a class, several steps must be taken before the class start, during the class, and even after the class. All these steps is necessary for us to prepare and ready for a class. This able to keep our concentration well and in the same time help us to stay awake during class.

First of all, preparation before the class start is important. It consider as a warm up to our mind. We can choose to take some drinks with some caffeine contain, caffeine able to works up our nerve system. It make the impulse transmition at the fastest rate. Moreover, these kind of drinks also speed up the rate of heartbeat by making the flow of blood in fastest way. Thus, cells can get more oxygen to perform cell respiration in maximize way. Other than that, take a nap for 30 to 60 minutes before class start is also a way to stay awake during class. It is a good habit for a students to take nap during afternoon as specially after lunch. This is because, after we having a meal, glucose level contain in our blood will be very high. Therefore, during the process of body system lowering down the glucose level, our body will felt tired. Besides taking a nap can help us to energize our body. It is better to let our brain to rest after work for a whole morning, it is important as brain is the central of controlling our body activities. We also must do some study on the topic that lecturer is going to teach in class later. We can have a better understanding about what lecture is teaching during the class. Thus we will be more interesting on the topic and won’t felt boring.

Secondly during the class, we can choose to sit at the front row, when sitting in the front row we are under lecturer view, any movement and action can clearly be seen by lecturer. At the front row, eye contact between lecturer and us can make us to be more focus, listen and follow the class well. Moreover, we must sit with friends or classmate that really serious in their studies. This will affect our mood to study as well as paying concentration in class. Those who are not serious in their study may disturb us during the class. After being disturb, we may not able to follow the speed and catch up what lecturer is teaching. This make us felt boring when we don’t understand what lecturer is teaching and slowly lead us to another dreamland. Besides, during the class we can try to jot down some notes and important points given by lecturer. When we jotting down notes, we are using our hand together with eyes other than using ears and brain to listen. According to some articles, when we just listen to something new, the chance of getting remember is only about 30%-40%. Whereas, when we choose to copy , it will add another 30%-40%which total is 60-80% to remember a particular thing. So, we can have a better understanding on a certain topic if we do so.

Lastly is preparations after class. After a class, we can do revision and exercise on the topic we have already learned. During the class, what lecturer teach we only can listen. We have no extra time to analyse on what lecturer is teaching if the teaching speed is too fast and sometimes it may confuse us. The only way to solve this problems is by doing revision after class. Moreover, doing exercise able to teach us how to apply what we have learn to face different difficult task. Other than that, we can do some research and find some additional information on the certain topic. It able to make us more understand about the principles of the topic but not just understand the theory. Normally the class of a subject is only 3 to 4 hours, sometimes lecturer may rush in time. In order to follow the syllabus, what can they do is only teach us the points printed on the notes. It is insufficient and impossible to let us clearly understand a topic well. During weekends, we can hang out with friends to relax our mind. We all are human, there is a limitation for our body. If we work over the limitation, it may bring negative effect and affect our health.

In conclusion, above are some suggestion how to stay awake during class from me. As a students, I strongly feel that the way we behave during class is important. This is because, during the class it is the time we learn new things which enrich our knowledge. We must not feel that is boring. But must think the other way round by taking it as a challenge to have a great succession in our life.